If in your city there are no spreaders of keys, then you can order them directly in the administration of shard.
You will fill correctly form you will [here] and obtain the number of payer. If your given you do not change can use number repeatedly. Keys send by custom-made letter only on the Ukraine. Users because of the boundary can use only a method of delivery on the e-mail.
In the notes to each payment compulsorily indicate your number of payer. The method of the delivery of keys and your address will be determined on the basis of this number.
11 key you obtain free of charge with the payment of 10 keys.
Keys are sent AFTER OBTAINING of money.
*Euro E861853527245 – the price of one key 3,80 euro.
*Рубли R773754209047 – 120 RUR per key.
*$ Z777866199045 – $4 per key.
*PayCash Russia (Yandex.money) 410019988470 – the price of one key 120 RUR.
*PayCash Ukraine 41004968207 – 21 UAH per key.
Post transfer (only on the Ukraine)
Unseal and you will fill transfer. An example of transfer can pump out [here]. The minimum sum of transfer composes 42 UAH (2 keys). You can carry out a transfer of money in any post office of the Ukraine.
The Oshchadny bank transfers the money in the course of three days, other banks in the course of one day.
Updated October 15, 2003